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    <div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText"><p style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Tiffany Bangles</b> Plum Relief Silver can feast your eyes on exquisite and have a real fashion taste with the simple and timeless design. <b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Tiffany on sale</b> should be the best precious gift perfect for ladies at any age. Tiffany Jewelry will be the best comprehensive selection for you to get perfect gift with every different style and freeze-frame the most beautiful moment for you.<br /><b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Production Detail:</b><br />[1]Brand: Tiffany<br />[2]Style: Bangle<br />[3]Material: 925 Silver Production<br />[4]Methods: toothpaste water to clean<br />[5]Customers who purchased this item are also interested in <b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Tiffany Bracelets </b>and <b style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Tiffany Earrings 925 Sliver Heart Carve Logo</b>.<br style="mso-special-character: line-break" /><br style="mso-special-character: line-break" /><p /></p></div>

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    <h1 id="productName" class="productGeneral">Butterfly key ring</h1>

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    <div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText">Key ring with enamel finish in sterling silver.</div>

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    <h1 id="conditionsHeading">Return policy</h1>

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    The wedding day is over, and there lies your beautiful dresses that spent your much money on. Rather than placing it on a hanger and shoving it in the back of the closet to yellow, opt for cleaning your gown and displaying it in a nice box. After all, someday your daughter might ask you if she can wear it for her big day.<br/><br/>

    General Returns<br/>
    All returns must let us customer support known within 2 days from the time you receive the dress, and fill in the Application for refund we provide. We only accept products in their original condition. In particular, be sure of the dress sending back in correct size. Full refund will be denied for wrong size after we receive and check.<br/><br/>

    1. All the dresses are custom-made on website, in general condition, we cannot accept the replacement.<br/><br/>

    2. We check each dress before we send it out, we can ensure the color and the size are the correct, if you find the size or the color is wrong, please contact us. After confirming with us, we can refund you.<br/><br/>

    3. If the dress has any major quality problem, please let us customer support known within 2 days from the time you receive the dress, we will solve the problems for you as soon as possible.<br/><br/>

    1. If the color is different after received the dress, it maybe due to the difference of display monitor.<br/><br/>
    2. Please be aware that due to the nature of the handwork required, the finished gown may vary approximately 1" in either direction of specified measurements. Full refund herein does not inclcude the shipping and handling cost for non-costume pieces. For costume pieces however, another fee is excluded, that is costume made fee! Comfirmed that we made the wrong size and color ,we can give full refund to al customers. Please note that we cannot process any products that are returned without our prior knowledge. If you wish to return any or all parts of your order, you will need to contact customer service via Help Center and obtain a "Product Return" form that must be included with your package.<br/><br/>

    Wedding Gowns<br/>
    We will accept returns on new un-touched non-altered wedding gowns. We do not accept returns on special ordered plus size gowns or specialty ordered gowns such as hollow to hem gowns, special measurement gowns. We will accept returns on merchandise that is damaged or defective. All returns must be within 2 days of when the shipment was dropped off from the carrier.<br/><br/>
    We must receive an email confirmation that you would like to return the gown and you must have a return authorization from us. In addition you will incur any shipping fees, transaction fees and insurance fees. Any Free promotional items are not returnable and will be charged full price. This amount will be deducted from the gown refund.<br/><br/>
    Once you have obtained a return authorization from us you have 2 business days to get the merchandise back to us. All merchandise must be returned in perfect brand new condition. Merchandise that is not returned in the condition it was sent will not be returnable and you will be obligated to the full purchase price.<br/><br/>

    Damaged Merchandise<br/>
    We closely inspect every piece of merchandise. All merchandise that leaves here is brand new. If you feel your merchandise is damaged, we must receive an email confirmation that you would like to return the "damaged" merchandise and you must have a return authorization from us for us to accept the merchandise. All returns must be returned to us within 2 business days after the merchandise was dropped off. If our staff finds that the merchandise is defective or damaged, then, we will contact the manufacturer, and we will repair or replace as deemed necessary by the manufacturer. If we find that the merchandise is not defective in any way or has been misused, then the merchandise will be shipped back to you. We will incur shipping charges on damaged merchandise. We will not incur shipping or insurance charges on merchandise that is found not damaged or misused.<br/><br/>

    Shipping damages must be noted at the time of delivery with the carrier.<br/><br/>

    Canceled Orders<br/>
    All Wedding Gown orders canceled after 36 hours of the initial purchase will lose 50% of the Merchandise purchase price. Bridal orders cancelled within 36 hours may be subject to a cancellation fee(30% of the Merchandise purchase price). We reserves the right to cancel, refund, or refuse any order. We do NOT accept cancellations on the orders after 72 hours of the initial purchase.<br/><br/>

    All Canceled Orders must be done over the email. We will try to work with you on canceled orders. We are an ethical business and will do everything we can to cancel your order without you being obligated to the gown.


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    Ideally, green can prove to be becoming an ordinary choice pertaining to brides in which are getting married during the spring and summer.There are a great many shades connected with green one could use but the final guideline is that pale efficient looks best of all bridesmaids.<br />
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    Once you buy sliced wood veneer once you buy cheap hardwood flooring, you still take advantage of the same degrees of choices in design, such mainly because oak, walnut, birch or other designs of wood.The price reduction hardwood flooring also provides a hardwood backing, which enhances the durability with the flooring.Also, you can get cheap laminate flooring that seems to be almost that you have wood floor floors applied and is equally as long sustainable.The hardwood backing useful for laminate ground and affordable hardwood carpeting / flooring is picked mainly because of expansion along with contraction premises<br><br><a href=""> Other About lv blog </a><br><br><a href=""> lv </a><br><br><a href=""> About blog </a>

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